LIFE: Moving to London
June 24, 2019So, I’ve been in London approximately 4 days now. I feel like so much has happened already but that’s London life and everything moves 100 miles an hour and to be honest the reason why I’m here. If anyone tells you packing up your full life and moving is easy they are lying! Frantically pulling my overpacked case up and down the tube stairs whilst sweating more than in a hot yoga class to then being locked out my flat was definitely not the easiest of transitions. The next day I organised an meeting for a potential internship however the day started by spilling a pan of hot oil down my arm and then getting caught in torrential rain! The last two days have been spent catching the half 8 DLR to Canary Wharf to get to work which I was originally dreading as everyone tells you rush hour in London is horrific but honestly it isn’t any more busy than any other city. However, the DLR is so much more chilled than the tube (yes I now say tube because I’m now a wank that lives in London).
This weekend I went for a wander round the East End vintage shops and then headed out for dinner and drinks! On Sunday I did my weekly shop (changed days from spending every Sunday in bed ridiculously hungover!) then ended my day by going to the Victoria Park food market where I ate some amazing veggie dumplings and overall had the best time trying to decide what food to try.
This week has been pretty busy/stressful at times but reflecting over it I have done more in one week here than I would have ever done in Glasgow (including writing this post) and I feel the opportunities are endless. I realise it’s only the beginning and I know there’s going to be many more challenges along the way but I can’t wait to see what’s in store..